All you need to know about spoiled food


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The food that we consume must be properly stored . This is very important because the food that we eat goes a long way to determining the state of our health. Taking healthy food Will make you leave a very healthy life. This is also very important because our life are much more important. In some countries, tossing of food are prohibited except if it is spoiled . The rotten food will generate methane which is a very harmful greenhouse gas . Majorly, the most impressive thing is that not all spoiled food are harmful. The major thing is that one should try to observe the food that you wanted to eat to know if it's spoiled or not.

There are two ways to know if a food is spoiled or not. You could get this by smelling or by tasting. Some spoiled food are not harmful because they do not contain pathogens . Some food may not be spoiled but may as well contain pathogens. So, it is very important that we should store the food properly. There is a general misconception that a spoilt food Will make someone sick. The bacteria that spoiled the food is definitely not the bacteria that makes one sick. When a milk is spoiled, it will not make you ill because it is pasteurised. Majorly, you could only make the food safe from disease causing pathogens by storing it properly.

Oluwasegun purpose

Active member
Spoilt food is very dangerous to the health wivh can even cause food poisoning or ill health many people tend to store their food carelessly and later eat it like that even though it has gotten spoilt which shouldn't be like that we should only eat fresh and balance diet food to improve our health.


VIP Contributor
Spoilt food is very dangerous to the health wivh can even cause food poisoning or ill health many people tend to store their food carelessly and later eat it like that even though it has gotten spoilt which shouldn't be like that we should only eat fresh and balance diet food to improve our health.
The spoilt food could result in food poisoning as you habbe rightly pointed out. This is the major reason why one need to be very careful of the kind of food that you eat. Good poisoning could be very detrimental if one takes it in of which if could be an aftermath of the spoiled food
. The thread that I created is no doubt a lesson that one must learn . If you carefully follow my write up all through, you will discover that not all spoiled food are harmful.. in fact, I citedso many examples. Some spoiled food are free of pathogens that could cause illness. In fact, spoilt milk are free of harmful bacteria that could make one sick because it is pasteurised.

All my explanation didn't point out vividly that all spoilt food are pathogen free. So many of the spoilt food are composed of the pathogens. The major area that I will like you to look into critically is the contributory effect of an improper disposed of the spoilt food on the greenhouse gases. The rotten food will emit methane which is a very harmful greenhouse gases. So, we need to avoid fold spoilage all the time by properly keeping the an excess food on a proper plane like the oven or the refrigerator etc. I will like to further reiterated that not all spoilt food Will cause sickness because it's not all that contains diseases causing bacteria.


Active member
Food spoilage is a condition in food that makes it uneatable, it is dangerous to eat spoilt food. Food spoilage is caused by some micro organisms that grow on food within room temperature, when it is not heated or freezing.

When rodents, insects or creatures feed on food meant for human consumption it can lead to the spoilage of that food too. It is really bad to eat food already eaten by pest or that already had insect perch on it. It is dangerous to the health.

When germs or bacteria get in contact with food it slowly breaks down the food and make it have a awful smell or even look unpleasant

Package foods that are expired are also examples of spoilt food, even if it might still look good it is very wrong to consume such as the results are detrimental to the health.

Eating spoilt food can be really dangerous, it is considered food poisoning. Can cause stomach upset, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, stooling, loss of appetite, abdominal cramping, weakness, headache, can cause fever, can even lead to death when it gets really serious.

The best way to avoid food poisoning is avoid spoilt food, avoid eating expired food, avoid touching or eating food already eaten by pests and avoid food with spoilt smell.


I am actually surprised to hear someone say, or in this case read that spoilt food does not make one sick. But what about in the case of having running stomach? I have heard that taking spoilt milk usually upset the stomach and for some, it could lead to having running stomach.


Active member
I'm very surprised that the thread starter made mention that spoilt food are not poisonous. From what I knew most of the spoilt food contains bacterias that could make someone sick. I think I will have to make more research on his submission because he made mention that not all spoilt food are poisonous. Well I could agree to some certain degree that's not all spoilt food are poisonous if it has not gotten to his stage of being worse. And if statement could also be corroborated by the fact that not all bacteria are poisonous. It is only disease-causing bacteria that could make somebody sick and if such bacteria is not present in his point food I don't think it could cause sickness. Nevertheless, what food should be avoided by us because you never can tell the one that has a poisonous bacteria and the one that does not havr does a poisonous bacteria. I would like to drive all my points that it is very important to avoid spicy food because it could be dangerous to our health. But for learning purposes I think the thread starter is right to some extent we should always avoid taken in something that will jeopardize our health.