General insurance Alcoholic Beverage Liability Insurance


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Alcoholic Beverage Liability Insurance is an insurance policy that protects a restaurant, bar or other provider of alcohol from a lawsuit in case an intoxicated person causes damage to a third party. If a person is injured due to the consumption of alcohol, they may file a lawsuit against the establishment where the alcohol was served.

The liability portion of the policy covers all damages and injuries caused by someone who has been drinking. This includes any property damage, personal injury or wrongful death caused by someone under the influence of alcohol. It also covers defense costs if you are found legally responsible for any injuries caused by someone who has consumed alcohol on your property.

If you are hosting an event at your business where people will be consuming alcoholic beverages, you should purchase this type of coverage for your business. There are two different types of policies: general liability and excess bodily injury/property damage (EBI/PD). The EBI/PD policy covers all parties at an event regardless of whether they consumed alcohol or not.