Affiliate Marketing Business Strategies for Freelance Writers


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Affiliate Marketing First Steps is presented here for newbie web writers who have learned the fundamentals of online SEO writing and now want to move on to their own online business marketing and writing their own work rather than selling it.

Step one is to experiment with different writing sites to find those that share a reasonable portion of their article-generated revenue with writers. Helium, Squidoo, Triond, and Hub Pages are all worth investigating. Some provide paid writing opportunities, a writer profile, and an online portfolio. An online portfolio is a valuable showcase for prospective clients to view when it comes to demonstrating competence as an affiliate marketing business owner.

Step two awaits freelancers once they have established an online presence.
It takes a lot of trial and error as well as patience. Sales success with an affiliate marketing business does not happen overnight, but writers will quickly learn which products are in demand, which sell well, and which do not. By monetizing their articles, writers can quickly learn how to create their own affiliate marketing business.

When freelancers begin to notice a slow trickle of affiliate sales or royalties coming in, they move on to
step 3. Records must be kept of where sales are coming from, which leads are good, and which should be pursued further or abandoned. Articles that sell well can be expanded into related topics.

Step 4, like all new businesses, not just affiliate marketing, may necessitate a small capital investment (a few hundred dollars).