9 Essential Tips To Get Through Financial Hardship


The following are 9 tips to get through financial hardship.

1. Keep your expenses low by living in a cheaper area and/or moving to a cheaper place.

2. Save money by spending less on food, entertainment and other discretionary items.

3. Don't spend money on things you don't need; save those funds for emergencies or future needs.

4. Keep track of your finances by writing down how much you spend each week and month on certain things, such as eating out or going out with friends (this will help you see where your money is going).

5. Ask family members for help when they can afford it, but remember that they may be tempted to give up their own savings in order to help you out more than they would if they could afford it themselves (so be careful about asking for loans or gifts).

6. If possible, look for ways to cut back on your spending (such as cutting cable television or ordering take-out food from your favorite restaurant less often).

7. Focus on the positive! Look at what you have going for you friends and family who love you, a roof over your head, food in the fridge and just appreciate what you have.

8 Set realistic goals for yourself, but always remember that success isn't measured by how much money you make or how much debt you've gotten rid of; it's about feeling happy with your life on a daily basis.

9. Create a budget with realistic expectations. don't spend more than you have coming in each month, and don't worry too much about saving up for things like retirement or college tuition but do set aside money for emergencies like car repairs or emergency room visits (because they WILL happen).