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Due to the modern lifestyle, many people have complained of constipation. The food is not digested on time and then the stomach is also getting bloated. Where is the time to exercise due to the busyness of time. In such a situation, if you want the food to be digested on time, then you should adopt the Hindu lifestyle. However, we are telling you here 4 such simple ways, which will not take you any effort in doing it and the food will be digested.
Choose the best food and make meal timings and rules. Eat food that is right for your body and gets digested on time. Even then, the habit of filling the stomach will have to be given up. The body is not a dustbin. Secondly, if you eat tobacco or smoke cigarettes then this article is not for you.

1. Chew food well
Many people do not chew food properly and eat it. If you use your teeth well, then your intestines will not have to work hard. In this way, it will be easier for the intestines to digest food. It is written in Hindu scriptures, Ayurveda and Yoga that one Grass or Kol should be chewed at least 32 times. There are 32 teeth so at least 32 times. By chewing 32 times, the food breaks down completely and dissolves in saliva, which is easily digested. According to Hindu scriptures, a householder should eat only 32 grams. First sweet, then salty, finally bitter should be eaten. First of all, take juicy, thick in the middle, take liquids at the end.

2. Drink proper amount of water
Drink water one hour before dinners and afterward drink water just a single hour after suppers. In the meantime do not drink water. Food is digested by water, but if the amount of water is less or more then the food rots. Therefore, water should be drunk in proper quantity and at the right time. Right means right.

The function of water is to digest food. If you have drank less water then it is not proper and if you have drunk more then it is also not proper, that is, drink the right amount of water. Drink water just when your body feels parched and drink however much it is parched.
If you drink 4 degrees more or more water according to your body temperature, then this is an ideal situation. Drink water sips. Try not to drink a lot of water without a moment's delay.

3. Do Pranayama or Breathe Properly
Just as the function of water is to digest food and reduce weight, similarly the function of air is to digest and expel food. If you are not exhaling properly then the food will take a long time to digest. If you are not able to breathe properly then practice pranayama. By doing Anulom Vilom, food gets digested quickly.

If you pay attention to your breathing, then you will know that it is not moving properly. You drop the bar down to the bottom of your throat. Sometimes the lungs will be able to fill with full air. During the day, it would be very difficult to get air up to the stomach or to draw breath. In such a situation, only when you fall asleep, your breathing burns well. Sometimes due to anger, worry or bad thoughts, our breathing rate changes. It obstructs the digestion process.

4.Fasting or proper rules
Sometimes the digestive system has to be paused. For this, you must fast once a week. Do not eat anything during fasting. During this you can drink fruit or vegetable juice. If you cannot do this then you should fast for 16 hours a day. Fasting for 16 hours means that when you eat food at night, then after 16 hours take food the next day. This means that there is a gap of 16 hours between your dinner and lunch and in the meantime you should not drink tea, milk or any kind of juice. Yes you can have lemonade. Actually it is not fasting. Just in this kind of lifestyle you have to skip morning tea and breakfast. Now you can do so much for your body. That is the right rule.
Wise advice, you have written all the four points in great detail, in it everything that one needs to ask is clear. Behind modernity people have neglected the needs of handling the body, this leads to health problems. This post is good publicity, people can become aware of healthy living by reading this.
Wise advice, you have written all the four points in great detail, in it everything that one needs to ask is clear. Behind modernity people have neglected the needs of handling the body, this leads to health problems. This post is good publicity, people can become aware of healthy living by reading this.
yes, thank you and my blog also gives the same thing to the people around the world.
When we drink enough water it will help to aid digestion faster because if food did not digest it will cause some health issues to the body like heart problem, chest pain and cancer so we should make sure we eat healthy foods and avoid foods that are high in Calories