7 Types of Passive Income


Staff member
Another term for passive income is a silent investor, passive income can be interpreted as a source of income that is obtained without having to work hard and continuously (such as office work), often passive income is defined as income with little work or only doing side jobs.

Types of Passive Income
There are several types of passive income that you should know about, so that it will be easier for you to get it according to your abilities, conditions and passion,

1. Residual Income
Residual income can be interpreted as income earned as a result of activities or work that has been completed in the past, for example: An insurance agent who gets a bonus when a customer renews a policy, royalties such as patents, books, songs, franchise royalties etc.

2. Paper Assets
Paper assets are securities such as stocks, mutual funds, bonds. Even though securities are currently in digital form, their function is still the same, which can generate passive income such as interest and dividends, as well as their value which continues to increase so that it is possible to get capital gains, besides that ownership can be purchased periodically.

3. Activeness of others
There is a type of passive income that is obtained from the activities of other people and you will earn a percentage of their income. for example MLM Business and referrals.

4. Businesses that are already running smoothly
Business owners who are already running smoothly, so owners only need to control their business, they don't need to work actively, for example the lodging business, gas station etc.

5. Residential property
Having a residential property besides the price will always go up every year you can also use it to make a boarding house or rent it out to other people.

6. Side Work
Currently, there are many online side jobs available that suit your skills, for example trading, freelancers, PTP sites, etc.

7. Crypto
Currently cryptocurrency can also be used as a source of passive income by getting interest or staking results.
In my opinion, cryptocurrencies seem to be the most interesting option at the moment. We are currently in a hole, so buying and holding them for a longer period of time can pay off. Unfortunately, for this type of investment you need not small funds to start.