7 time management tips


VIP Contributor
Time management is a tool that you can use to help you get more done. That said, it’s not an easy tool to master. Here are eight time management tips that will help you manage your time better:

1. Set aside specific times for certain tasks.

2. Don’t let work pile up on top of work.

3. Find out how to say "no" and mean it!

4. Always prioritize your tasks and keep them organized so you can hit the ground running when you start working on a new project or task plan for the day/week/month!

5. Make sure you have regular breaks throughout each day (15 minutes is ideal) so that your energy isn’t completely drained when working all day long.

6. Make sure your workspace has everything you need so you don’t need to waste time looking for things when they’re needed most!

7. Schedule appointments and meetings in advance so there won’t be any unexpected interruptions during those important business meetings or conference calls.
As much as I like to think that I am a time management expert, I have been practising time management for virtually every day of my life.

I get it: It can be hard to shift your mindset from "I don't have time" or "I'm too busy" to "This is what my life looked like". But here are eight simple things you can do right now to become more efficient and productive in your daily life.

1. Be realistic

Don't set unrealistic goals or expect yourself to make huge leaps in one day. Every small improvement matters, so focus on incremental improvements that will add up over time.

2. Plan ahead

If you want to save money, start planning ahead of time how much money you need in order to pay bills each month and make sure there is enough left over for savings or fun stuff (like eating out). This will help you avoid impulse buys (which are expensive), save money on trips and vacations, stay within budget at the grocery store, etc. It also prevents anxiety from building up when unexpected expenses pop up unexpectedly, which happens sometimes

3. Prioritise tasks based on their importance.