7 Examples Of Money Etiquette We All Need To Follow!


Money is a tricky thing.

It can be used to buy things you love and appreciate, but it can also be used to buy things that are just plain frustrating.

Whether you're a beginner or an old pro at handling money, there are some rules of etiquette that everyone should follow. Here are seven examples of money etiquette we all need to follow:

1. Don't spend more than you earn. This one sounds obvious, but many people forget about this rule when they're spending their hard-earned cash on something fun or fancy. If you have money in your pocket and think "I've earned this," then keep it there! Don't spend it on anything unless there's no other option available--and even then, make sure that whatever it is is worth the cost and not just because it looks cool or makes you feel like an important person who doesn't need to work hard anymore because everyone else does everything around here anyway so why should YOU try?

2. Don't give money to someone who doesn't ask for it.

3. Don't talk about your money in front of people you don't know, especially if they've just given you something.

4. Don't bring up how much you earned or spent on a particular purchase with other people unless they ask first (and then only once).

5. If someone asks how much money you make or spend every year, don't lie! You're going to want to tell them someday anyway. you might as well do it now!

6. Don't brag about your spending habits (or lack thereof), even if it's just with family members who know what's going on in your life financially. (If someone wants to know how much money you make/spend per month, go ahead and tell them but don't expect them not to ask again later).

7. Don't use someone else's credit card without their permission first; if they say no, don't try again later!