6 Types Of Insurance You Need But May Not Have


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1. Pet insurance

This is a great way to cover your pet's health care and make sure they're protected in the event that something happens to them, like an accident or illness.

2. Homeowners insurance

If you live in a home, this can cover any damages or loss of income if something happens to the house itself.

3. Landlord insurance

If you have a lease or rent property, this can help protect against fire, theft or other hazards that could damage your property while you're out of town on vacation or otherwise out of touch at home.

4. Disability insurance

If you have a preexisting condition and are disabled as a result of that condition, this type of insurance can cover the cost of long-term care if you become unable to work due to disability.

5. Personal umbrella policy

This protects your assets from lawsuits and other legal claims related to your personal life like marital problems, divorce settlements or debts and is available through many different types of employers as well as personal policies sold through companies like State Farm Insurance Company (State Farm).

6. Medical Payments Coverage

Medical payments coverage is similar to uninsured motorist coverage in that it pays out if an accident is caused by someone with no insurance, but it's also different because it's not an all-inclusive policy; it only covers medical expenses up to a certain limit per person per accident and that limit changes depending on state laws. This type of coverage is best used when dealing with injuries that are severe or life-threatening, but it should be noted that medical bills can be costly; therefore, this type of policy may not be enough to cover all costs related to medical care unless they're very high (which they won't be if you're insured).