6 Success Secrets for Women in Fitness


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Here are six secrets that might help as you put on your Wonder Woman cape and get to work:

1. Own Your Superpowers

Women have many superpowers, but these three position you perfectly for leading in the world today:
  • Communication
  • Connection
  • Empathy
These three skills are the cornerstones of relationship selling and marketing, which are both favored in the marketplace today. women outperform men in 11 of 12 key emotional intelligence competencies, including emotional self-awareness, empathy, conflict management, inspirational leadership, coaching and mentoring, adaptability and teamwork. These are also essential skills for effective leadership in the workplace.

2. Pick Yourself

Now that you’re more aware of your superpowers, don’t wait for someone to ask you to the dance. Put on your most favorite outfit, grab an Uber Black and make a grand entrance.
Women need to practice becoming radically self-reliant.

3. Trust That There Are No Wrong Moves

Here’s another priceless statement from Ambirge: “A richer path, I believe, is made up of many false starts, not always resulting in triumph, but always resulting in information.”
You must act. Even when you are not 100% certain of what will work, it’s essential to jump in. The secret is to choose an action that will not cost you more than you’ll gain. You learn from your “experiments,” put your findings to work, iterate and act again. Outcomes equal information, and no move is ever wrong.

4. Know Your Worth

“More and more women in leadership positions are pushing the boundaries of gender equality by utilizing their strengths and leadership qualities – in skill, knowledge, experience and emotion, The key is confidence in all your resources and abilities, not just those represented on paper."
Worth is not only about the need to close the systemic wage gap but also about identifying your gifts, advocating for what you believe to be fair compensation, and forgetting the term imposter syndrome.
  • Identify your gifts: Strengths Finder, an inexpensive self-assessment, is a fantastic place to start. Use this tool to identify your five best strengths objectively. Once you know, you can focus on cultivating your unique strengths to build a satisfying career and, perhaps, use the information as a confidence boost to go for it.
  • Advocate for yourself: Do your research and learn what those strengths can and should get you. For what roles should you be raising your hand? What type of compensation should you be requesting? Who should you know? What should you learn?
  • Eradicate imposter syndrome: It’s almost become a universal refrain for women when asked why they are sitting on the sidelines or not going after what they truly want.

5. Avoid the Female Fallacies

On your path to success, you will need to be on the lookout for a few things we are naturally inclined to do that might inadvertently get in our way:
  • Do less, delegate more: Success requires “big brain” work, as my daughter would call it. To have space for this type of work, you have to figure out how to delegate some of the doing instead of doing it all yourself.
  • Cure the disease to please: If you’re planning on doing big things, some people might not like it, and that’s O.K. And remember, you don’t have to be perfect, either!
  • Stop learning, start working: believing that they will not be considered unless they meet the criteria exactly. Every woman should believe she is capable and prove it through the interview process instead of opting out.
  • Own your accomplishments: Begin by striking the word luck from your vocabulary. Women disproportionately attribute their success to luck compared to their male counterparts, thus downplaying the part they play in their success and, potentially, subconsciously sabotage their hard work. While it’s important to walk a fine line between being boastful and egotistical, it is time to look in the mirror and own the actions that have allowed you to arrive at your present place in life. While it’s possible that serendipitous events led you to a path you might not have otherwise wandered down, you were the one on the path and you possessed the unique skills that made it possible for you to capitalize on the opportunity

6. Ignore Everyone (Including Me)

There is no shortage of advice aimed at women looking to increase their impact. Moreover, much of the advice you’ll find is contradictory. Take the time to define what success means to you versus allowing others to define it.
What do you believe success looks like? Is it a number in your bank account or your impact? Is it pursuing your chosen path while keeping other key areas of focus, such as your partner, your children or your friendships, intact? There are no right or wrong answers but articulating what you think will help you sort through the advice.
Once you have a clearer picture of what success means to you, talk to those closest to you and seek reinforcement. It’s helpful to receive validation from your inner circle and align with those whom your choices most intimately affect. However, be aware that seeking too many opinions can leave you paralyzed. While your choices may not seem logical to anyone else, as long as they are right for you success will come.
yes I agree with you woman has many superpowers but they are not aware of it and also when it comes to exercise women needs motivation because they lack believe in their self. Any woman who wants to be aware and use his superpower should be strong and courageous this will help to manifest it
Gone are the days when we have women ending up in the kitchen. Nowadays, a woman is the director of the world bank among many other high places. However, women should first change the orientation that they are weaker vessel. Most girls believe they can't survive unless they are being anchored by men.
Women really need to try as much as possible to take exercise seriously because that is one of the things I do not joke with. I don't like a lady to be fat without doing anything about it because to me I just consider it as one of the most unattractive quality in a woman I intended to have. Engaging in exercise is the best.