5 solutions that will help you eat less without feeling hungry.


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Today, I'm going to present you with 5 solutions that will help you eat less while not feeling hungry.

1 - Eat fewer meals
It's counter-intuitive, but in reality, cutting down on the number of meals will help you not feel hungry.

When you eat at fixed times, your body gets used to it.

And as a result, we feel hungry every time at these times.

And as soon as you miss a meal, you'll have a huge urge to eat.

You can't cut it out.

But if we reduce our number of meals:

By reducing the number of meals to two, for example: one at lunchtime and one in the evening (+ possibly a mid-afternoon snack).

Our body will get used to eating less more easily.

And the advantage is that as you reduce the number of meals, you reduce the number of calories you will consume in a day.

And so, during the 2 meals you have left, you can enjoy yourself (but be careful with the total number of calories you consume during the day ? ).

By reducing the number of meals, you reduce the number of moments when your body will be systematically hungry.

And therefore you reduce your chances of feeling hungry during the day.

2 - Drink water
And yes, water has an appetite suppressant property.

Drinking water fills your belly and will usually just make your hunger disappear.

Moreover, water is very important when dieting as it improves the functioning of the kidneys and therefore the elimination of waste.

Practical tip: Drink one or two glasses of water 15-30 minutes before your meals.

This will both reduce your hunger and improve the digestion process.

3 - Avoid sugars
Sugars, also known as carbohydrates, are absorbed too quickly by our bodies.

This is why, a few hours after a meal, you may feel very hungry all of a sudden.

The body has consumed the carbohydrates from the meal but still wants more, so you feel hungry.

In addition, if you do not exercise during the day, the consumption of carbohydrates will lead to storage in the form of fat....

So avoid it.

4 - Eat protein
Proteins (meat, fish, legumes, etc.) are generally more satiating foods than others.

This means that if you eat less of them, they will fill your stomach more.

Pretty interesting, isn't it?

On top of that, as we have mentioned in other articles, it is very important to keep a sufficient protein intake (= 0.8g protein per day per kilo of your body = 48g if you weigh 60 kilos).

Otherwise you will lose too much muscle during your diet.

This is not a good thing.

Because this will lower your metabolism, which in the long term will cause you to put on weight again.

So, during your meals, focus on proteins.

5 - Look for more satiating foods
How to stop being hungry at allSimilar to protein, some foods are more satiating than others.

Each food has a "satiety index".

This index indicates the capacity of the food to "fill your stomach".

So you can eat as much, or even more, and still have a lower calorie intake thanks to these more satiating foods