5 Budgeting Best Practices


VIP Contributor
Budgeting is one of the most important things you can do in your life, and it's also one of the most challenging. But if you take the time to implement these best practices, it will be easier and more effective for you:

1. Don't budget for more than you can afford. If you're not sure how much you have to spend, ask yourself if you have enough money to cover the bills and put something away for emergencies.

2. Make a budget, then stick to it. If you don't know how much your expenses will be each month, write down all of them in a row and add up how much money is left over at the end of the month. Then repeat this process every month until it becomes automatic and easy!

3. Be realistic about what your income is going to be this month and next month. You can't plan for everything that might happen and it's best not to plan for anything that isn't likely to happen because it could cause stress and anxiety when it does happen!

4. Set aside time each week or month to update your budget and make adjustments if necessary (for example, if you invest in stocks and they go up in value).

5. Create a savings account where you can save money without spending any of it!