4 Types of Consumer Goods and Their Marketing Strategies


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Consumer goods are products or services purchased by consumers and used or consumed directly, such as food, drinks, shoes, clothes, cars, etc., so they are not intended for resale or are not used as a production factor. Based on consumer behavior, there are 4 types of consumer goods such as:

1. Convenience goods
Convenience goods are primary goods or basic necessities that are purchased without in-depth consideration, for example food, drinks, bath soap, toothpaste, vegetables, etc. The marketing strategy is to place it on shelves that are easily visible, in a low position so that consumers can easily pick them up.

2. Special goods
Special goods are products that have advantages in certain features, brands and qualities, such as smartphones, electronic goods, jewelry, watches, etc. Marketing strategies for special types of goods need to emphasize the greater value of a product compared to other products.

3. Shopping goods
Shopping goods have different prices depending on the brand and quality, the higher the price, the better the quality, as well as prestige, for example shopping goods such as cars, bags, clothes, household furniture, etc. In general, consumers will compare several products and prices so it is better to provide various products at different prices.

4. Unsought goods
Unsought goods are not just a necessity that is needed at a certain time, such as insurance products, security products, credit cards, and it would be better if they were marketed in a more persuasive way, either through promotions or advertising.