4 Signs That it is Time to Quit Your Current Job

Having a job is one of the most desirable and respected qualities of people in most societies. Everyone will push you to get one if you don't have one already. But the decision to quit your current job is entirely personal.

You will have to look within your self and answer some very important questions. This little article will highlight some signs that could help you figure out if it is time to quit that job.

1. You are in constant trouble with the authorities in the workplace.

It is understandable to get scolded by your supervisor once in a while when you make a mistake, just like a parent would give you tough love when you are going astray as a child.

But when the trouble with your supervisor happens daily, then it may be time to quit. Especially if it is more of their personality than something you have done. You can never change someone's personality.

2. You feel like your skills and abilities are not valued.

It is not like you need a five star review daily, but a simple pat on the shoulder once in a while shows that your work is really valued in the workplace.

You may also feel undervalued if you never get tasks that are in line with your skills and abilities. You are rather given tasks that you struggle to complete.

3. You have lost motivation.

Loss of motivation is seen when you struggle to get to work, you are not happy throughout your working hours and it even affects your life outside work. You don't need to live such a stressful life.

4. The company or industry is struggling a lot.

Maybe they are going bankrupt and cannot keep up with regular payment's or they lack a good management system. Whatever it is, you may have to quit because you cannot really control external factors that are affecting the business.

That being said, it is best to quit the job the right way. Resigning is so much better than living unannounced.

Moreover, you will have to really assess your economic status, availability of savings and chances of getting another job soon before
There are a lot of signs to that give you reason to quit your job, well you don't have to quit without trying to work things out, but then there is a time to call it a quit.

Here are some things to watch out for:

People are avoiding you or talking behind your back. Negative gossip can be hard to spot, but it’s definitely something that needs to be addressed. If there’s a lot of gossiping going on in the office and people are avoiding you, it could be a sign of a toxic workplace and you should quit if you can't change a thing.

You feel uncomfortable at work. You might feel uncomfortable at work because of the way other people treat you, or because the work itself is making you feel less than great. If this is the case, it should be addressed immediately so that everyone can start feeling more comfortable in their environment again.

You have been unhappy with your job for some time now. If you’ve been unhappy with your job for at least six months now and haven’t been able to find another one yet, then it may be time for a change. A company that isn’t happy with its employees isn’t going anywhere fast.