3 Gluten-Free Flours To Add To Your Diet


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When you think of gluten-free flours, you probably immediately think of almond flour. Or maybe coconut flour? Those are great places to start if you're just transitioning to a gluten-free diet, but they can get a little bland after a while, and they don't always do well as 1:1 substitutes. But don't worry there's a whole world of amazing gluten-free flours out there, and im going to introduce you to two that are sure to make your taste buds dance!

1. Pea Flour

Pea flour is made by grinding green peas into a fine powder. You may have noticed it in protein powder mixes, but it's an absolutely delicious addition to baked goods as well. Its earthy flavor is just the thing to add some depth and body to your favorite recipes. It's also full of iron and magnesium, so it's not just tasty it's good for you too!

2. Oat Flour

Grinding oats into a fine powder produces oat flour. If you have a blender or food processor at home, you can actually make it yourself by blending rolled oats until they become superfine. This type of flour has a distinct nutty flavor that really makes baked goods.