3 best pieces of personal finance advice that almost nobody takes


We don't know about you, but i always looking for ways to save money and make the most of my money.

That's why i came up with this list of three personal finance lessons that almost nobody takes advantage of. We hope these tips will help you take control of your finances so that you can live happily ever after!

1) Pay yourself first

Instead of living from paycheck to paycheck, start putting aside a little money each month for retirement or some long-term goals. If you wait until you get paid every month, you'll never have enough money to do these things. so it's better to start saving now!

2) Track your spending

Don't just pay attention to what happens in your bank account; track where every dollar goes throughout the day, week, month, year whatever works for you. This way, when something goes wrong (like when a friend invites all of their friends over), you'll have proof that this was an expensive mistake!

3) Don't spend more than you make

This is one of those rules that can be hard to follow when you're young, but it's important because it helps build good habits as soon as possible. Once you reach adulthood, though, this rule becomes much more difficult to follow because some people actually want to spend more than they earn and then they lose their jobs or get sick and can no longer work.

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