2021, Year of Record High Illegal Cryptocurrencies Transactions


Active member
According to a new report, 2021 was the year with the most illicit cryptocurrency transactions so far. A dubious new record was set, as some 14 billion USD in cryptos have been received by off-the-grid crypto wallets. In comparison, back in 2020 that number was 7.8 billion USD.

That said, the total transactional value of cryptos for 2021 was an astounding 15.8 trillion US dollars, up a whopping 567% from 2020. Compared to that the illegal transactions are tiny drop in the bucket – only 0.15% of the entire volume.

Although cybercriminals have been more active than ever in the past year, legitimate cryptocurrency operations are outpacing the illicit ones by an order of magnitude that “might be the biggest surprise of all.
The initial number is very alarming, but taken in context the picture becomes very different, I think.