2 Simple Tips to Affiliate Marketing


Valued Contributor
As a successful affiliate there are a few things to consider. Both the distribution channel and the implementation of the advertising measures must be well thought out.

Here are two tips as to how affiliate marketing can work:

1. As a beginner, you should link affiliate links as often as possible. This generates more clicks and traffic and increases the chances of getting leads. However, always advertise discreetly and not intrusively. The commissions in affiliate marketing increase with the value of the affiliate websites.

2. A typical affiliate marketing example: You have to think carefully about which product you want to promote. The landing page must match the characteristics of the linked website. For example, a home and garden affiliate website shouldn't be marketing notebook affiliate links.
I see some affiliate marketers making crap of it.
Am certainly not am expert in affiliate marketing but I would know that I shouldn't just paste an affiliate link straight on a website, without anchor or anything just raw


Hey buy my stuff
Affiliate Link - (wwwcom)

Honestly that is the worst mistake (if it was actually a mistake)
I don't know if people don't read or watch YouTube videos (let me assume they isn't any money for buying courses) even at that this type of mistake shouldn't be made