
  1. Hasan12

    The History of Yoga - A Look at Its Roots and Evolution

    Yoga has a lengthy and complicated history with roots that go back more than 5,000 years. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual activity that has its roots in ancient India and strives to bring about a condition of harmony and balance within the individual. The Indus Valley Civilization...
  2. Yusra3

    What's Face Yoga?

    yoga. The ancient art of stretching and relaxing your body to calm your mind and make you feel better about yourself. But did you know that you can do yoga for your face? It's true! Face yoga is the practise of relaxing, strengthening, and toning your facial muscles via specific movements and...
  3. Mika

    How to Learn Yoga For Health and Fitness?

    Yoga is one of the greatest inventions to come from India. For a layman, yoga is just a physical training to remain healthy and fit, however for advance learner, yoga is more than physical exercise, it is also mental exercise and a method to deal with mental issues. A lot of people use yoga to...
  4. Mika

    Yoga for Respiratory Disease

    Yoga is an ancient Indian therapeutic system that not only heals physical diseases but also mental diseases. According to Patanjali, the Hindu savant who wrote treaties on Yoga, the ultimate aim of Yoga is spiritual enlightenment. We may not be spiritually inclined person, but we all can benefit...