
  1. Axis

    Why is money more unique than any other commodity.

    Money appears to be more unique than any other commodity that is being used for exchange because of it below characteristics or features Money is generally accepted globally but in terms of other commodities it is not generally accepted. Money appears to be durable and can last long for a...
  2. raaman

    The Value of Bitcoin depends on...

    The Value of Bitcoin depends on... Bitcoin has value and the value of Bitcoin depends on the relationship between supply and demand for the coins on the market. The greater the market demand for the same total supply, the higher its value and therefore its price. Conversely, in the case of...
  3. Ayuba Ernest

    What other things do you value more than money?

    Money is not all it takes to live a perfect life. Although, it is important we have money, but there are other valuable things we cherish more than just money. I'll be making a list of things I value more than just making money/wealth. 1. My health/life: Health is life they say, I do agree that...