
  1. Good-Guy

    How To Submit And Get An Article Accepted In A Magazine?

    Various people would like to write articles for magazine and get their manuscript accepted at those magazines. I think that there are many reasons why a person would want to write for magazines. There are many magazines that tend to pay a really high pay rate to their writers. Those rates are...
  2. Good-Guy

    Local Magazines Vs Online Magazines: Which One is Better?

    Writing is a hobby and professional of many different kinds of people in the world. There are many people who tend to be writers and they write for local magazines and some of them write for online magazines. Honestly speaking, writers who tend to work in English speaking countries and tier 1...
  3. Good-Guy

    How To Make Money Writing For Magazines?

    Well, there are many of you who might be thinking about writing for a website that pays you real cash for writing articles. However, what many people do not know that there are many magazines out there who also pay a really great rates for contributing articles as well. However, there are...
  4. Good-Guy

    How To Make Money By Writing For Online Magazines?

    There could be many ways of making money online. However, I must say that writing is one of the best ways and one of the most interesting ways to make money online. In fact, you can not only make extra cash by writing articles, you may also generate passive income by writing articles daily...