
  1. J


    If you’re reading this, you already know we have one thing in common. We love, love, LOVE passive income sources! In this article, I will be updating my journey with SolarFarm. This marks Day 28. The SolarFarm platform gives an extremely high daily rate (the highest I have seen) — up to 14.28%...
  2. Good-Guy

    Should I Invest In Long-Running HYIPs Projects Or Not?

    We all know that HYIP programs are a kind of pyramid schemes that scam people. There are many kinds of HYIPs out there and most of them just scam people due to the fact that they pay old depositors with the funds invested by new financiers. This is why many people (including me) are against HYIP...
  3. Good-Guy

    Investment 3 Reasons Why You Must Avoid Investing Money Into HYIP Programs

    HYIPs (also known as High Yield Investment Programs) are a kind of online investment programs that offer a fixed amount of returns on investments. They claim that they offer guaranteed income opportunities to many people around the world and anyone from any part of the world can invest in their...