healthy mind

  1. Mackmoney07

    have you heard of basil yet?

    Fun Fact: Basil is believed to have originated in India. Grass has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years with a range that is extends to all corners of the world. Basil is an excellent source of vitamin K, manganese, copper, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids such as beta carotene)...
  2. Mackmoney07

    Motivational quote; work and success

    This is the perfect picture of everyone's life. You may have seen people who have accomplished everything without work hard, but 99.99 percent of us have tor oll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty to achieve that personal success in our lives and occupations. It is not only essential for...
  3. Mackmoney07

    Meditation benefits

    Recent scientific findings have begun to reveal that benefits of meditation go beyond simply releasing your tranquility, since they also help you develop calm, concentration and also reduce stress. According to published research, a man in his 50s was found to years of long-term meditation...
  4. Calebe

    Nutrition, exercise and mindset helps you become your healthiest.

    Have you ever thought of the fact that you could stop dieting, eat all the wonderful foods you love and still look gorgeously drop dead beautiful with incredible physical results? Many people in an attempt to change how they look and feel physically quickly jump to a conclusion that they need to...