employees and employers

  1. Axis

    Reasons employees are fired from duty.

    When a job applicants is finally employed into a business organization or into a company as an employee he or she is demanded to be lawyer and to be very much hardworking or industrious in the business activities or organizational practices assigned to him or her to perform. Any deviation from...
  2. Axis

    How should an employee view counsels from his or her employer.

    An employee should view counsels from their employer as valuable input and guidance to help them perform their job effectively and meet the expectations of the company. It is important for an employee to take their employer's counsel seriously and to make an effort to understand and follow...

    Are all large-scale business firms successful and prosperous.

    It is obviously and absolutely true that so many individuals believe that it is better to work or for a large business corporation than for a small business organization , because they usually have the mindset that for a business to be large in size , it totally mean success and prosperity ...

    Attributes of a good business employer.

    An employer is totally superior to an employee, and in a business organisation the employer at some point has the sole duty and objective to assign and allot tasks and duties to his or her employees which no doubt enables the easy and equitably accomplishing and attaining of business goals and...