business organisations

  1. Mikes smithen

    Business organisation, description and types.

    A business organization refers to a group of individuals who come together to achieve common goals through the production or exchange of goods and services. There are several types of business organizations, including: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: This is the simplest form of business organization. It...

    Result of overworking employees

    Employees and workers are not slave and they should not be treated as one. This is definitely one of the points every business manager of business superior should definitely keep in mind. There are so many result and consequences of overworking your employees and one of the common consequences...

    Issues some employees faces in their workplaces.

    Some employees are definitely not happy with the present environment they call workplaces. So many things constitutes an effective and peaceful working environment that is considered to be suitable and conducive for employees to carry out their roles and duties being assigned to them by their...

    Assets needed for employees to do their job well.

    As the business manager or the business employer of a particular business organisation you will have the absolute duty to make sure that the business environment is totally conducive an effective for customers and also for employees to perform their job well in terms of achieving business goals...

    How to enhance free flow of activities in the business organisation.

    Sometimes how a business organisations environment is furnished and decorated also contribute to the free flow and conducive atmosphere of the business organisation . A lot of business owners who own and control various business organisations do not put the environment of their business...

    Demerit of business organisations owned by government.

    In one of my previous trade I talked about the advantages or demerits of government only business organisations and Enterprise and some of these areas include provision of essential services , prevention of exploitation and discrimination , creation of more employment opportunities , economic...