brand management

  1. Augusta

    Best ways to handle brand criticism

    The critics are always available to either give you constructive criticism or an outright put down. You should always expect this from people as a brand owner. This is why you would need to develop a thick skin and seek the best ways to handle your brand critics. So what are the best ways to...
  2. Augusta

    The Don'ts of a good branding

    A lot of times we are just overwhelmed with hows and dos of a good branding because that is what we think about. We just want to succeed with our brands but we fail to also see that doing what you are not supposed to do with a brand can mar or limit it too. So we need to always balance up things...
  3. Augusta

    How to upgrade your branding strategies

    When it comes to branding your business you need to continuously improve on it. This is the digital era and nothing is static with it, since most things in a flash so you must play with a lot of things to always get it right at all times. A business or product branding needs to be flexible so...
  4. Good-Guy

    Why Brand Management Is An Important Part Of A Business?

    The term brand management refers to managing your brand and the name of your company. Brand management is a huge and broad term. In the content of your business, it refers to the name of your company and the popularity of your company. However, since brand is a big term, we must focus on various...
  5. Good-Guy

    3 Important Factors Related To Branding Of Your Products

    According to me, the term "Brand" refers to any kind of popular product which is reliable and ruins for a long time. A brand is a product which not only last long, but the it has a very good image in the market as well. Brand management is one of the most important aspect of running a brand in a...
  6. Ahxmed

    Strategic Brand Management

    The process of strategic brand management begins with an assessment of your company's brand. Think about the things that are important to your customers, your employees' qualities, your raw materials, and suppliers. Then, write down those values in a document or cloud-based system. Make sure...
  7. Ahxmed

    The Benefits of Brand Management

    Brand management is essential to the success of a business. While brands are created in factories, they are made in minds. A company needs to constantly refine its brand identity in order to stay relevant in the marketplace. It's essential to keep a consistent image throughout the brand. To...