How can I develop a good saving habit?


Active member
I have been this kind of person that finds it extremely difficult to save out of my monthly earnings, though my monthly income was is still very meagre but I still feel that I should have been able to be saving even little savings overtime but the reverse is always the case for me.

Whenever I receive my monthly payment, the next thing on my mind would be how to spend it slowly so that it won't finish on time instead of taking out a portion to save, this has been one challenge that I am facing that I am finding it very difficult to overcome it, it makes me feel like I am less of a man most times because I don't have any savings anywhere in my name.
So guys,please I need you guys to give me good tips on how to develop a good saving habit.
It is not usually easy to save especially when your income is very small to your commitment, the kind of company you keep also determine if you will be able to save or not from your earnings, if you collectively live expensive life with your friends it will be difficult to save.
To save even from small or little earning I will advise you join contribution or cooperative where you can always contribute certain amount of your monthly earnings to which you can benefit from at the right time.You can take loan to invest in a business then pay using part of your Earnings.
It is very difficult to save especially if you don't earn enough money, if you are not a reckless spender and yet you still can't save money it simply means that your basic needs are higher than your earnings and therefore it will be very difficult for you to save.

In order to be able to save, your earning is expected to be more than your expenses, if this is not happening, then you need to look for more ways to increase your earnings and thereby give yourself the needed edge towards savings.

Also you need to try and have a spending budget that will contain every expenses you are planning to make for the month, this will help you to keep track of your expenses and help in cutting them down.
I have been this kind of person that finds it extremely difficult to save out of my monthly earnings, though my monthly income was is still very meagre but I still feel that I should have been able to be saving even little savings overtime but the reverse is always the case for me.

Whenever I receive my monthly payment, the next thing on my mind would be how to spend it slowly so that it won't finish on time instead of taking out a portion to save, this has been one challenge that I am facing that I am finding it very difficult to overcome it, it makes me feel like I am less of a man most times because I don't have any savings anywhere in my name.
So guys,please I need you guys to give me good tips on how to develop a good saving habit.
saving is a must for everyone, to meet sudden needs