Earn $ or payeer rubles with a coin-farm site


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Coin-farm is a Russian website with a bird farming system. Having more birds will collect more eggs and coins for withdrawal.

Each new account registration, user will get 1 green bird and 300 silver coins for purchase.

Birds will spawn and can be sold for withdrawal coins.

100 eggs is 1 silver coin.
The percentages of egg sales are as follows, 30% for withdrawals and 70% for purchases.

Details of birds and eggs to get.

1. Green bird: 5 eggs per hour for 150 coins
2. Yellow birds: 55 eggs per hour for 1500 coins
3. Chocolate: 277 eggs per hour, the price is 7500 coins
4. Blue: 1430 eggs per hour, the price is 37500 coins
5. Red birds: 7230 eggs per hour, costs 150K coins.
6.The king of birds: 21925 eggs per hour, the price is 375K coins

If you want to earn more, investing is another option.
Invest $ 10 and get 133929 coins (100% bonus on first purchase).

Register here
Buy birds and collect eg gs
Sell and withdraw
Its been a while now, that I heard about this kind of site called "coin_bird. I never got to invest any money into it yet even when I finished creating account around it. The features are very much amazing, the options to collect points are well clear, and enticing one also. But you didn't mention how much those coins worth, when you trade them up for dollars. And also I don't know how to build my empire high to attain the highest ranked bird, being the Gold one. I know how valuable it is, I see that one like the one that holds lots of profit in the game.
Indeed, many of the Russian ruble payeer sites with a system like this, raise birds and sell eggs for coins. We can count it with 100 coins worth 1 ruble. 1 ruble is...
Its been a while now, that I heard about this kind of site called "coin_bird. I never got to invest any money into it yet even when I finished creating account around it. The features are very much amazing, the options to collect points are well clear, and enticing one also. But you didn't mention how much those coins worth, when you trade them up for dollars. And also I don't know how to build my empire high to attain the highest ranked bird, being the Gold one. I know how valuable it is, I see that one like the one that holds lots of profit in the game.
Its been a while now, that I heard about this kind of site called "coin_bird. I never got to invest any money into it yet even when I finished creating account around it. The features are very much amazing, the options to collect points are well clear, and enticing one also. But you didn't mention how much those coins worth, when you trade them up for dollars. And also I don't know how to build my empire high to attain the highest ranked bird, being the Gold one. I know how valuable it is, I see that one like the one that holds lots of profit in the game.
Indeed, many of the Russian ruble payeer sites with a system like this, raise birds and sell eggs for coins. We can count it with 100 coins worth 1 ruble. 1 ruble is worth $ 0.13 now. The price of 1 ruble may change according to the market. So to get $ 1.3 you will need about 10 000 withdrawal coins or 100 rubles. As I explained above, to produce more birds and eggs, you can increase your purchase balance. If you don't want to make a deposit, looking for referrals is another option. You will get 250 purchase silver coins for unique IP and recharge bonus 30% for first level referrals, 10% for second level referrals, 5% for third tier and fourth tier referrals.
Indeed, many of the Russian ruble payeer sites with a system like this, raise birds and sell eggs for coins. We can count it with 100 coins worth 1 ruble. 1 ruble is worth $ 0.13 now. The price of 1 ruble may change according to the market. So to get $ 1.3 you will need about 10 000 withdrawal coins or 100 rubles. As I explained above, to produce more birds and eggs, you can increase your purchase balance. If you don't want to make a deposit, looking for referrals is another option. You will get 250 purchase silver coins for unique IP and recharge bonus 30% for first level referrals, 10% for second level referrals, 5% for third tier and fourth tier referrals.
That's cool, now I have known how this game coin_farm works. One needs to get plenty coins (rubles) to make profit in the game. Purchasing rubles coin and using it to purchase the highest ranked bird should the stuff on my mind. Purchase about 10 Gold birds with high level of hashing enough eggs to boost my income in the coin_farm game. But do you think buying the highest ranked bird in this coin_farm game will bring me more profit, if I decide to buy about 10 Gold birds?? As for the 1000 coins and 100 rubles you mentioned here, being $1.3 is weak. I wonder when I will reach such high number of rubles with how minimal they give points.
That's cool, now I have known how this game coin_farm works. One needs to get plenty coins (rubles) to make profit in the game. Purchasing rubles coin and using it to purchase the highest ranked bird should the stuff on my mind. Purchase about 10 Gold birds with high level of hashing enough eggs to boost my income in the coin_farm game. But do you think buying the highest ranked bird in this coin_farm game will bring me more profit, if I decide to buy about 10 Gold birds?? As for the 1000 coins and 100 rubles you mentioned here, being $1.3 is weak. I wonder when I will reach such high number of rubles with how minimal they give points.
More and more birds. More and more eggs can be collected and sold. Buying the king of birds is the largest income of eggs. Although the price is also quite expensive. But the longer working on this site. The higher the benefits that can be obtained. Especially in purchasing coins. Because the results of sales of eggs 70% go into purchases. It can be used to buy more birds. And so on. Withdrawal coins can also be converted into purchase coins. seeing this site has been running for quite a while. Making a deposit is a decision in itself. Don't do it if you are afraid of losing your money. But we see how long the site is running, so that can be thought of.
These games are something like we have to pay the site to get the birds and collect the eggs, then sell them. There many questions come -
1) Users will earn after selling those eggs, but who is going to buy those eggs? Site itself will buy or user have to find buyers?
2) Do the bird keep giving eggs there? or there is a limit for the bird's fertility?
3) The minimum withdraw is not mentioned by you, that 30% of withdraw means Non minimum?
4) What payment methods do this site accepts? (Normally Russian sites do QIWI and Yandex, but some accepts PM and Payeer.
These games are something like we have to pay the site to get the birds and collect the eggs, then sell them. There many questions come -
1) Users will earn after selling those eggs, but who is going to buy those eggs? Site itself will buy or user have to find buyers?
2) Do the bird keep giving eggs there? or there is a limit for the bird's fertility?
3) The minimum withdraw is not mentioned by you, that 30% of withdraw means Non minimum?
4) What payment methods do this site accepts? (Normally Russian sites do QIWI and Yandex, but some accepts PM and Payeer.
Eggs on the site are like points on the GPT site site or coins on forum sites, biznotes for bizdustry, coindime for dimeforum or others. So this is not an egg trading system.
Birds lay eggs all the time while the site keeps paying its members. So there is no time limit until when the bird will continue laying eggs.
For minimal withdrawals, 100 coins are withdrawn from the sale of eggs. Please note that 100 eggs are equal to 1 coin, of which 0.3 is withdrawal and 0.7 is purchase coin.
There are still other withdrawals such as paypal, but of course with a bigger minimum.