Support Please verify my account.

Official forum Support

Maria Javed

Active member
Please verify my account. I have completed my 20 post.
Your request is rejected. Your content didn't meet the standard of the PTP. Too many repetitions of Hi everyone how are you all well.
If i can post again 20 on this account then you can verified me.
If i can post again 20 on this account then you can verified me.
Ensure your next few post are properly written and you may start your threads with What, When, How etc. I look forward in seeing your quality content.
I have written few posts please check them and verify me.
Account verified. Please improve on your thread title when posting. Specifically, we are looking for “Quick Tips” (a mini-tutorial of around a few words). Your post can be in the form of how-to or guides or ways-to. We want each thread to focus on a main point rather than a generic post. Check that your message is original and free of grammar errors.