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Holders of the HYVE tokens have the possibility of staking their tokens and in turn, get rewarded from the fees gained by all listings in both Ethereum or tokens.
At the start of each month, during the “locking period”, users can stake their tokens by locking them. They are also able to lock them for 2 or more months in advance. During the “earning period”, the contract collects fees and stores them.
The stakers are then rewarded for taking part in the ecosystem and temporarily reducing the supply by being able to claim their rewards during the next “locking period”.
Rewards can be claimed each month, regardless of the period staked.
I'd love to stake, I need help on how to buy and stake HYVE thank you.
I'd love to stake, I need help on how to buy and stake HYVE thank you.
Hello, first you need a wallet here is how you can create one metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489531-Getting-started-with-MetaMask. And here is our exchange list to buy HYVE coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hyve/

How to stake​

1. Go to app.hyve.works
2. Connect with your wallet. If you do not have an account or a wallet, follow the steps written in “How to create an account”.
3. Click on “Stake”.
4. Choose the chain where you want to stake (Ethereum, BSC, or Polygon) and click on “Stake now”.
5. Input the desired amount of coins and the duration (1/3/6/12 months) for staking. Make sure you have sufficient funds to pay the gas fees.
Staking rewards are awarded on a monthly basis. The APR varies depending on how many people stake.
6. After you write down the amount of coins, you can click on stake and wait for the end of the month to collect your rewards.
What will be the reward if I stake 10000 HYVE for a month?
We have a standard amount of tokens that we give as a reward/ month of 100,000 HYVE, plus commissions. The amount of money given as rewards are split monthly between the people that split in that era. So the APR that you earn, depends on the number of staked tokens.
Thank you so much, I just joined the staking platform using BEP20, and the API is pretty cool. I look forward to future releases.