Support User warning update

Official forum Support
Hello sir; please I don't know why the content is too difficult to comprehend because I believe that every body online here are educated that's why I even made more simpler to understand.
The main issue is that there are some people who are not in commercial class while in institution and when the look at some of this topics they will not go through it very well before they rush to give comments under it. So that's make it complicated for them to understand because they don't want to learn but just to earn point. Thanks sir.
@Mataracy , these warnings are not for you.

PS- No warning are sent for small errors, posts full of errors are just deleted without approval, warnings are sent only on serious issues.
Recently, I have noticed that some members are found by posting threads and answers that are difficult to understand or that are not meaningful. I also noticed some PTP members duplicating similar existing replies and threads to earn credit. I figured its necessary, notify PTP members because a lot of people come in and post content without thinking, and without realizing that there is no possible way anyone will use a search engine (google) to look for such content.

No irrelevant or off-topic posts. Posts that are irrelevant to the forum may be removed at the discretion of the moderator. Be concise and clear about the subject of your thread in the subject line. This allows members to answer your posting in a more appropriate manner and makes it easier for members to search the forum by topic.

Thread titles: When starting a thread, use a topic that indicates the specific subject. This helps members know if the thread is of interest, and is especially important when other members do a search on the forums by thread title. If you choose a poor title for your thread, administrators may rename it or your credit will be debited.

Meaningfully content only: If you don't have something meaningful to share then don't post or else it will attract credit debit.

Note: If you receive too many warnings your account may be demoted from PTP or temporary ban. Lastly please report members irrelevant post.​
Boss I did not see this warning before since i have left by 5pm sir until now.
After several PM from members about your post, I personally reviewed your content and I discovered your threads/post are difficult to understand and seems more like translated or spun content, as a consequence you received too many warnings and your account was demoted. Unfortunately you won't be accepted into PTP anymore.
After several PM from members about your post, I personally reviewed your content and I discovered your threads/post are difficult to understand and seems more like translated or spun content, as a consequence you received too many warnings and your account was demoted. Unfortunately you won't be accepted into PTP anymore.
Sir; please give me last chance . Am so sorry for any mistake I most ght have made . Thanks sir.