What makes savings difficult

barriers that keep us from saving money (and how to knock them down)
Spending too much on housing
No defined budget
The “I'll save when I make more money” mindset
Lack of measurable savings goals
Student loan payments
Your comfort zone
Overusing credit card

It takes time to learn how to start saving. It takes time to make a saving plan. It takes time to track records how much you have already saved this month, and how much you still need to save to reach your saving goals. And, it takes time to change old money-saving habits
For me, what makes saving difficult is the desires and impulse shopping I face daily. I get so carried away by my desires that I buy things carelessly without checking my budget or affordability.

Another thing that makes saving difficult for me is the debts I have gotten myself into. I am really working hard to pay them off and that makes saving uneasy. I hope to clear those debts by end of next month so that I can have more peace with spending and saving what I earn.
In my opinion, many people find it difficult to save because they don't have a definite goal, such as buying a new laptop, motorbike, etc., so before saving you have to have a definite goal. They lack discipline so that their behavior is more driven by impulsive buying. Apart from that, external factors will also greatly influence someone to have difficulty saving, such as choosing the wrong friends who are wasteful and prefer to have fun, without needing to think about tomorrow or the future.
Savings is hard because most people have a lot of expenses to the point that at the end of the day they have no money to spend or save, to save money you'll have to be able to pay yourself first, when you receive a payment, you owe yourself a part of that and the you save the rest.

Else, if you're to spend on your expenses first it'll be very hard to have savings, also you'll have to learn how to be disciplined if you want to save money, it takes an iron hand type of discipline to keep and grow money.