Some hot topics for Crypto in the second half of 2023


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Some of the hot topics for the Crypto industry in the second half of 2023 listed by CMC Research report:

1. Bitcoin Spot ETF

In June 2023, BlackRock applied to the US SEC for a Bitcoin spot ETF.

Subsequently, Bitwise, VanEck, Invesco, Fidelity, WisdomTree, Valkyrie, ARK Invest, 21 Shares and other institutions also applied for or updated Bitcoin spot ETFs.

If these ETFs are approved, they could unlock a lot of institutional investor demand by offering regulated asset allocation products.

Globally, current cryptocurrency ETFs and ETPs have reached about $9.5 billion in assets.

Once the Bitcoin spot ETF is approved in the United States, a surge in demand for Bitcoin could push its price significantly higher, beyond its all-time high.

2. DePIN (Decentralized Public Infrastructure Network)

DePIN provides solutions for sharing access to physical assets or services such as warehousing and data networks.

Related projects include: Helium $HNT (Decentralized wireless Communication infrastructure), IoTeX $IOTX (Decentralized Networking)

Arweave $AR (Decentralized storage) and Filecoin $FIL (Distributed storage)

3. RWA (Real World Assets)

#RWA can be traded on the blockchain, which mainly includes credit agreements like Maple Finance $MPL and Goldfinch $GFI, allowing projects to use DeFi to obtain financing and loans.

Some platforms are starting to focus on tokenizing RWA, including real estate, collectibles, stocks, intellectual property, etc., so that transactions can be smoother on the blockchain.

4. LSD (Liquid Pledged Derivatives)

In the first half of 2023, the TVL of #LSD leader Lido $LDO and Rocket Pool $RPL increased by 138% and 220%, respectively, due to Ethereum's Shapella upgrade.

By the end of June 2023, the LSD platform had locked up more than a third of the total value of Ethereum, with Lido at its peak accounting for almost 75% of the market.

LSDfi projects such as $Pendle and $LBR have also emerged.

5. Restaking

In June 2023, EigenLayer, an Ethereum repledge protocol, went live on the mainnet.

EigenLayer is a middleware platform that allows pledged Ethereum or liquid pledged Ethereum to be repledged on the consensus layer.

Users can earn additional revenue by repledging assets elsewhere.

6. ZkSync

As Ethereum's Layer 2 and zero-knowledge Rollup (#zkRollup) solution, #zkSync is a strong competitor to Optimism $OP and Arbitrum $ARB.

zkSync Era became the first #zkEVM to reach the mainnet development stage

#zkSync has more than 1.1 million unique wallets and has processed more than 1.38 million transactions.

Next, zkSync is expected to make airdrops to early eco-players.

7. Modular Blockchain (Celestia)

Currently, most Layer 1 # public chains are monolithic chains, with execution, data availability, security, and consensus all on the same chain.

This leads to a series of efficiency-related limitations stemming from the "impossible triangle" of blockchain decentralization, security, and scalability.

Modular blockchains like #Celestia aim to address this challenge by dividing the blockchain into three tiers: execution, settlement, consensus, and data availability.

It provides developers with a modular data availability and consensus layer that can be leveraged by # DApps and # sidechains to drive development efforts to start.

At the same time, other platforms have emerged, offering modular execution environments and settlement layers, including Rollkit (settlement) and Fuel (execution).

The emergence of these and other platforms has helped improve existing monolithic blockchains, including Ethereum $ETH and Solana $SOL.
Love how EigenLayer gives agency to restakers, letting them choose which Actively Validated Services (AVSs) they want to opt-in and contribute validation resources for. Puts them in control. Looks like EigenLayer (EIGEN) is already one of the largest DeFi protocols by TVL - the Bitget listing driving more visibility and liquidity for their token is so well-deserved!