Can Good Funding Improve your Success odds in Business?


VIP Contributor
Many business owners have different ideas and views when it comes to funding some think is not necessary and you should just start small with what you have while others think you should try and get funded by other investors and scale your company, each of them have their own reasons.

Personally, getting funded can help your business to scale faster, it gives you sort of a launching pad and we'll help you focus on important stuffs like growing the business and attracting more profits to your business compared to being bootstrapped.

What's your own opinion on this, will you get funded or self fund?
If a company that sacked you calls you back and you are foolish enough to return they would just conclude that you don't have self-value and they won't value you. You need to have some prestige and turn them down. That is even the more reason you should build your skill set so that you would not be stranded after a company has sacked you and you eventually have to go back and work in such a company.

Even if they promise you a managerial position on your return, remember that they don't value you, that's why they sacked you in the first place and would always do it again if the situation demands.
To understand the fact that raising enough capital matters a lot for the business success. Financial support is a fuel for a business and a means to promote hiring, technology, marketing, and growth which in turn makes company to move forward. Insufficiently moneyed enterprises usually face cash flow barriers, and as a result, they cannot respond to the market challenges innovatively and grow fast. Even though a funding is not a roadmap to success, you have a much higher likelihood to overcome the difficulties and bring the vision into reality if you have much more capital at your disposal at the start of your journey.
Business needs money for various purposes, for example, to develop and manufacture products, to build the business brand and market the products, to pay the staff, to pay other operational costs, etc. If yo do not have sufficient funds, you will be affected in one way or the other. Having sufficient funds ensure that you are operating your business smoothly. Therefore, having access to a good funds will help you run your business smoothly as well as make profits from our business. Insufficient fund might ruin your business