You should not Skip the Breakfast.


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A number of studies have shown that breakfast is one of the most important part of our daily diet. Yet, a lot of us fail to take the right breakfast. It is correct that there are several reasons for this.

Some people do not get hungry in the morning. Some people skip the breakfast in a hurry to get to school, or college, or office. Many women are not able to make time for breakfast as they are busy preparing their children for school.

In the morning, it takes time to finish cooking and send their children to school. It is possible for someone to come to the conclusion that they have to take breakfast in some way, instead of giving out the reasons.
If we wants V shape body than our meal must be in V shape. Means healthy breakfast, lunch some light than breakfast and dinner light than lunch.
It is right that most of us are avoiding healthy breakfast, because of our system . In India most favourite breakfast is left over dinner.
Yeah you are on point. I don't skip breakfast, I ate jollof rice and vegetables with fish yesterday. It was so sweet and enjoyable.
Yeah you are on point. I don't skip breakfast, I ate jollof rice and vegetables with fish yesterday. It was so sweet and enjoyable.
You are doing great, but eating too much rice is not good for our health so some time also tried some other grain in breakfast. Remember 3 white food, sugar, salt and rice is not good for our health