Worker's Compensation For Idiots!


New member
In Georgia, worker's comp is very straight-forward...if you are hurt while performing your job duties, you will be paid 2/3 of the average of the 13 weeks of income you made during the preceding 13 weeks. HINT: If you have a second job, DON'T hide that fact, you could possibly be paid for lost earnings there as well. You are under a 400 week cap -- translation, if a physician says you are unable to work, or they place you on restrictions which your employer cannot accommodate, you have 400 weeks (maximum) to get back to school or figure something out because that 400 (or 350 weeks) ends quicker than you think. Once that 400 (or 350 weeks) is up, you are sure outta luck. The compensation rates vary by state, so do several statutes, but by in large, you don't have to stress out about being out of work. No, the adjusters are NOT out to get you. If you are kind to them, they will be more likely to help you...I remember hearing this before, where was it, oh yeah, from my mom when I was about 4. It's not rocket science, but people make things harder than they need to.
While it may sound harsh, the concept of "worker's compensation for idiots" is not as outrageous as it may seem at first glance. In certain industries or job roles, there is a higher risk of accidents or injuries due to the nature of the work. However, this does not mean that workers who act negligently or disregard safety protocols should be fully protected under the worker's compensation system. By implementing a system that penalizes foolish behavior and holds individuals accountable for their actions, employers can promote a safer work environment and prevent reckless behavior from putting others at risk.
While it may sound harsh, the concept of "worker's compensation for idiots" is not as outrageous as it may seem at first glance. In certain industries or job roles, there is a higher risk of accidents or injuries due to the nature of the work. However, this does not mean that workers who act negligently or disregard safety protocols should be fully protected under the worker's compensation system. By implementing a system that penalizes foolish behavior and holds individuals accountable for their actions, employers can promote a safer work environment and prevent reckless behavior from putting others at risk.
Some people are broke and need just a work contract. Some employers don't even provide them with legal papers so either you accept working without a contract or there is someone else who would accept this. They put you in a hospital and then no assurance or refund policy is provided if you get into a work accident. You cannot complain after that. The theory is a bit different from what people are facing.