Why is flexibility one of the most important qualities for a successful business?


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Flexibility has become indispensable today, especially in business. Why? The answer is simple.

We live in a world where nothing is constant and trying to predict what will happen is all the more difficult as things change more and more quickly or completely unpredictable situations arise, as is the case with the current pandemic. Therefore, there are new challenges, processes and evolutions that we have to face and incorporate them as quickly as possible. Regardless of the field in which you work, you will face changes and it will be expected of you to adapt to any new situation (the sooner the better).

It is essential that you be able to change your approach in line with the changing times. This is a real challenge for any industry. As expectations and habits take on new forms, successful businesses are eager to adapt, make the necessary changes to survive, and "explore new routes."

To a certain extent, any field will undergo constant changes and evolutions. Technology is the best example of a growing and very fast growing industry. There are always related technologies and processes that cause the status quo and trigger significant changes in the way most businesses operate.

This is generally true for all industries. Companies can't afford to sit still and be content with what they already know. As industries change, companies may change with them or risk falling behind. In order to remain competitive, it is essential for companies to be adaptable. When there is a flow of new technologies and processes, the only way to be successful is to keep up, even more so, to always try to be one step ahead.

For long-term successful businesses, doing "good" or "good enough" is not nearly enough. The most competitive companies are constantly looking for ways to improve and do even better, even if things are going the way they are today. It can be to the detriment of any company to blindly follow a predetermined course, just because it has been planned and strategized. No matter how detailed the plan is, things can always turn 180 degrees, which means that the plan can become redundant. The most profitable companies recognize when it is essential to change tactics and approach strategies from a new perspective.

In business, it is estimated that about 70% of programs with change initiatives fail, often due to employee resilience. This detail underscores the need to instil the importance of innovation throughout the organization. Make sure that not only you, but also the people you work with are open and eager to evolve, because only together, as a team, will you be able to progress.

The most conclusive example of the importance of remaining flexible is the current COVID-19 crisis.

The virus has disrupted companies around the world, making everyone rethink their services and ways of operating. Increasingly, companies are pivoting their services to stay afloat in these tumultuous times. Similarly, working from home has become the number one trend among global businesses. Forced to either embrace work from home or to cease business altogether, fundamental business operations had to change and adapt to new circumstances.

COVID-19 is just one example of current events that has shown that businesses must always adapt to new situations. There are plenty of other unforeseen circumstances that could cause significant change, and it is important to always be prepared for anything that comes your way. For many, "change" is a scary word associated with extra work and unfamiliar territory, but embracing that change shows that you are ready to survive and thrive. Ignoring it and refusing to adapt can be turned into just the word "disaster" for any business today, because it will hold you back and make you vulnerable.
Seriously I have known of different factors that helps in the success of a business but for flexibility I don't see it as a factor that helps in success, one thing that I know about business is plans when you plan everything you are definitely going to achieve what you want, get to think of it how can flexibility have a positive impact in your business flexibility don't contributes to ones success a lot, there are many good factors that helps in business success for me I don't think if flexibility is that important, what will you like to say on this?
This is just because most or a big majority of employees aren't flexible even with little change in work condition because they like the routine so changing anything related to work is for boss owner something casual or few employees that are fastly adapted to the change of work procedure but the majority needs a long time to sunset the changes or be able to follow the new rules, so it stays sometimes 2 or 3 months before the whole company is performing what is expected from them as work.
Flexibility in real estate can only be good when it involves a quick change in some characters that can influence how the market is being perceive by investors and buyers, these qualities are always bad qualities of an individual or a particular real estate organisation, when we mean flexibility here it might be the ability of a real estate organisation or an agent to change from bad characters that could limit the possibility of success in the the real estate market, this is the only way flexibility can be of great help to any business organisation as I understand
This one important secret to emerging and remaining at the top of any business.

Flexibility is vital for survival of a business
Without it th chances of the business leading to failure is large
Flexibility is very important in business and it is very common with the small businesses that doesn't necessarily have to follow rigid rules.
The market is constantly changing, so is the world. The government might set up laws that would affect your business at any time, for you to succeed in such situations, you need to be flexible. Let's take the previous pandemic for example, it affected alot of offline business owners but some where able to scale through because they where able to move some of their activities online. Most of them started making use of video call apps like zoom for their meetings. While other rhat where ridge could not pull this off