Why is erc20 network fee is always high


New member
Why is erc20 network fee always high what is exactly the reason behind it?? Why is bep20 preferable
I don't really have much idea about cryptocurrency and how they erc 20 token really works, the only thing I believe he is that the reason why there is high transaction fee in them is because that is how they were created to be and every other cryptocurrency that is following the ethereum network will always have a high transaction fee, and in this case it will be very difficult for you to swap it talk less of sending it out from one cryptocurrency wallets to the other . I believe this was the reason why the price of ethereum was really slowing down them but ever since they make it easier for people to carry out the transaction in the ethereum network without high transaction fee the price of ethereum as increased drastically and people now have natural interest to invest in the coim, after all the only hindrances was the high transaction and high swapping fees...

So I believe it is now possible for you to send out a ethereum coin to any wallet you are interested
because there is a process you can use to carry it out without having to pay for a transaction fee so much as it used to be.

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