Why Coinbase added ledger hardware wallets to its platform


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Cryptocurrency wallet is like a bank account where Cryptocurrencies are kept. The wallet is simply where the Cryptocurrencies are stored. The wallet keys is the security code for wallet addresses and it should be kept with optimum security. If the wallet keys is compromised, the funds inside the wallet will be exposed to hacking.

However, the various exchanges have their wallets. For instance, you may decide to keep your digital assest in Coinbase wallet. The exchange that you wished to choose as your digital asset bank should be well grounded in security. Its security apparatus should be updated from time to time. Many crypto exchanges have been hacked in the past and this is the reason why I nailed on the point of updated security measures.

The digital assets could be kept away from the Internet in an hardware wallets. This is a token that is held in physical form and it's used to keep the cryptocurrencies. Many crypto investors now preff to keep their cryptocurrencies away from the Internet which is prone to cyber crimes.

Coinbase, the largest crypto exchange in the United States added a Ledger hardware wallets. The Ledger hardware wallets is available on Coinbase wallet browser extension.
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