Why Branch Managers Shouldn't Stay too Long in a Branch.


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Most businesses that have branches have people that manage the overall day to day affairs of a particular branch. These branch managers are answerable to the headquarters of the business. But there is always a temptation to keep a branch manager for a long time in one branch, especially if the branch manager has performed very well. But that is not entirely a good business practice. Let's examine the reasons a branch manager shouldn't stay so long managing a particular branch:

1) They would easily get relaxed in a comfort zone: Managing a particular branch for a long time and seeing it all can easily make a branch to be too comfortable. Moving him to another branch gives him or her new challenges and motivation.

2) Their ideas and perspectives would become stale and cliché to the staff of the branch: When a new manager comes on board, he brings new energy and perspectives which can rejig the branch rather than stick to the old branch manager whom they already know and are too familiar with his or her methods.

3) Managers that stay in one branch for a long time would not grow to have more experience and knowledge in management because they have been limited to a particular branch, environment and sets of staff.
I don't really buy the idea of the poster despite the fact that they are okay. When we stay longer sometimes, we don't become useless rather we become greater. The issue of comfort zone has put some people into dangers.

How will a manager that is successful think of leaving his job because he doesn't want to over stay? To become what exactly in the new one.

The best is to ensure that we don't make our value and experience redundant. If this is ensure, a manager can stay as long as he wishes.