When is it okay to change your business.

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Making changes in business practice as well as what the business sales and renders is a good intention in most cases. However as a business owner of business manager it is important that you make changes in your business without upsetting your customers or your present patronizers. You do not want to make your customers upset but rather you want them to be happy by your business practice and by what a business has to offer to them.

The only possible time when it is agreeable to change your business is when the business presently is not doing well or possibly when the business is affected by so many political factors like taxation and low incentives from the economy. You can also change your business product especially when it is made of low quality raw materials and inferior resources.
The realization that your business needs to change is important for its long-term survival. One must take into account shifts in the marketplace, customer input, technological changes, competitive influences, financial performance and internal issues when thinking about the need for innovation. Adapting to market trends, addressing customer concerns, embracing technology, staying competitive, improving financial performance and resolving internal issues can all enhance your business’s sustainability and effectiveness in today’s ever-changing business environment.

In order to ensure a prosperous enterprise entrepreneurs must continuously assess their personal goals, values and priorities so that they match with those of their companies. Keep up with legislative changes and adapt company procedures accordingly. Adjust product mix as well as pricing strategies to respond to fluctuations in customer demand. Review your strategic vision periodically and be ready to shift the course of your business. Proactively driving change through our organization culture supported by flexibility which ultimately results in sustainability on long term basis.
First of all it's better to continue your business, try your level best to keep improving it. Making certain changes sometimes results in increase sales, but if you find as some big mistake has been made and the only option left to change the business then do it immediately. My first shop was of bookstore, I tried my level best to run it smoothly but the big mistake I made was as the nearby people were illiterate and they were not having any interest in books and copies so after all of my try, I finally changed my entire business into general store business.