What Steps Could Be Taken To Stop Terrorism Financing?


VIP Contributor
Terrorism is one of the biggest problems in the world. There are many countries that suffer from this problems and many groups are involved in such kind of inhumane act for their own selfish purpose. Terrorism is often used by many groups to destabilize the economy of a country. No international company or a foreign investor would like to invest their money into a country where terrorism is a biggest threat to the economy. Otherwise, the investors might lose the investment. This is why many countries are suffering from such kind of problems and the government is also helpless in such kind of conditions.

I think that there are various different kind of effective steps a government can take in order to stoop terrorism financing. One of the best ways to stop such kind of illegal activity is by tracing down the network of financiers that support terrorism in the country. Secondly, a country can also seek the help of other countries in this regards. There are many developed countries that have great technology and they can also help certain countries to stop these kind of illegal financing. So, what steps do you think a government could take to stop terrorism financial?


Valued Contributor
It is an obvious fact that terrorism has certainly become a global challenge and every country of the world today is battling with one form of terrorism or the other. Infact terrorism is not only associated to the less developed country but it can still be found in the advanced and developing countries of the world. They are been carried it in a very organized matter in those countries and most of the times they are not been reported in those advanced countries. But terrorism in the less developed countries are been carried out on almost a daily basis, and little or nothing is been done to advert it. One major thing I see about terrorism is that it has both religious and political sides of it. Now on the religious aspect some religious fanatics see it as a means to increase the awareness of theirreligion and to weaken other forms of religion in the society hence they feel glad each time they kill their fellow human being. And on the political aspect terrorism is been sponsored by politicians and they spend somuch so that they can win the elections. Hence political office should be made unattractive this will discourage them from taking the do or die approach to get to power.


VIP Contributor
The problem with terrorists in our country is the so called rebel tax. The terrorist, in the guise of being rebels, would levy a tax on the businesses in the rural area. There is the threat of burning the building or the structure if the business will not pay the rebel tax. The thing with that setup is that the business owner would not report the problem and would not say a word even if he is interviewed. He knows that the rebels or terrorists are watching his moves. The neighbor may be part of the monitoring system and that's what makes it scary for the business owner. I don't know if the government had resolved this problem because there are many business owners nationwide who are affected by the illegal taxation of the rebels.


Disrupting terrorism financing means to cooperate in a global world joining forces from states to exchange intelligence data as well as to monitor financial flows and to outlaw outside money laundering. Top measures include increased anti-money laundering legislation, stricter regulation of illegal alternative systems, focus on the terrorist asset freezes, and cutting linkage for non-charitable and other organization that recruit transfers. International collaboration in the implementation of conflicting relevant sections, dismantling financial channels, and cutting off revenue flows from criminal companies such as drug trafficking, kidnapping, and extortion must be hailed. Making transparency in the finance is a fundamental thing at the same time as protecting the ones which are authentic ones is vital.