What is the one Skill Every Successful Business Owner Should Have?


VIP Contributor
Successful business owners are, at their core, successful people. They understand that success stems from a combination of hard work and self-awareness. The one skill every successful business owner should have is the ability to recognize where they're strong—and where they're not.
Consider that every business owner has skills and characteristics that are valuable for running a business, but also those that are less useful. Some might be great at developing new products but have a harder time keeping up with sales, marketing, and finance. Others may be fantastic at managing employees but not so good at networking or self-motivation. And some might find it easier to make decisions than to delegate tasks or communicate with others effectively.

All of these are strengths and weaknesses that any business owner should be aware of, but not all of them need to be changed or improved upon right away—or ever. By knowing yourself and your particular skill set, you can be honest about what makes you a good business person—and what doesn't. You can then choose how to spend your time and energy in ways that will benefit your business most: by focusing on the things you do best while delegating tasks (or seeking outside help) for those things you struggle with, but still be be part of the team.