General insurance WHat is the best insurer?


New member
Best insurer in europe or US? any suggestions? cause I need some. Thanks in advance!!
Since you're seeking for the best insurance company in USA, who should have specified if you're looking for an insurance which you can reach an agreement online or offline. Someone from my region wouldn't know the best offline insurance companies in United States of America. I only know the one in my region, you can simply go over at YouTube and search for what YouTubers are saying about it, or do a simple Google search.
Mentioning just the best will not do any good because you need to find out first if they offer the kind of insurance you need then you read their terms and conditions before deciding they are the best for you. So you can Google them then read about each to know which you would go for.
First of all, i can’t really say that there is the best among all of the insurers because they all have their various advantages and disadvantages one way or another but I can advise you to make your research on the ones that best suit your interests or what you need it for
The best insurance company in USA can only be known to those who are in that area to know but I would have suggest that you should ask about the best policy that one can take up generally instead of particular it to just a section or a country as you have said earlier.
It depends on what you really want.we have varieties of insurance policy so you have to be more specific because most of their premium is not the same and the most important thing in insurance company is payment of premium as at when due so as not to default and if you have default,it may affect you when you need assistance.
This will depend on the country of residence. The ways these insurance operate always differ from country to country. You can search online to know the right insurance company that suits your needs in your country. You need to look for the ones that charge less even while doing quality jobs for you.
You would have to research it to find which insurance companies are doing good. Normally, companies with large market capitalisation are well established, it's likely that those companies offer least amount of risks and experience a steady growth. Mid-capitalisation companies are also good and have high growth potential. Don't go for the small-capitalisation companies, because they poses the greatest risks as they are more vulnerable to the economic downturns than other big companies.
To understand which insurance company is the best, you need to understand what your requirements are for it. Already after that, search the Internet for reviews and reread them again. For example, I go to and read articles there about the case I want to insure. I recently read about the house, it doesn't say which insurance company is best, but it has helpful articles that will tell you how not to fall for a bad insurance company.

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