What Is Stopping You From Making Money Online?


VIP Contributor
Making money online is one of the most popular and preferable kind of methods. It is a sort of money making method that is in use by many people and it became even more popular after the pandemic when people lost their jobs due to economical crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The biggest misconception about making money online is that making money online is pretty easy. This is definitely never the case. First of all, not all the people in the world were making money online after they lost their jobs. This is due to the fact that not all the people were finding jobs online due to competitor and lack of skills.

This is why I think that there were many things that were stopping people from making money online. As far as I am concerned, the very first thing that is stopping me from making money online is the fact that there are not many websites on the Internet that matches my taste and suits me. I am a writer and I like to write and get paid for that. However, there are not many such kind of opportunities on the Internet, despite the growth of websites that pay you to write. What are some reasons that are stopping you from making money online?
Many people today have refused to make money online , rather they choose offline money making to online money making , and some of these people have been victims and subjects to online scamming by various online scammers and fraudsters who creates fake and unlegit websites that promises its users and members to earn money as a result of working and investing on them , and so because of this they have promised themselves not to earn money by working online . There are reasons for refusal to earn money online are not bad because the act of being scammed online is overstating and disappointing .

yet It is important that they understand that being scammed is part of the online money making game , and also not every online money making strategy is all free and fair because sometimes you have to pass through bad experiences to become an online money making expert or guru . Finally a lot of people have a " seeing is believing attitude " . When it comes to making money online and so will they prefer online business because they will be able to see the influence the outflow of their money to enable them make profits .
I do not doubt the possibility of making money online because I have not only heard but I have seen my close acquaintances making good money from this online space. There are certain things that limit my diversification of making money and this includes; lack of trained skills, I will actually need to sharpen my freelancing skills in article writing, content creation and transcription, I have written articles for some magazines, local blogs and through sharing knowledge with other creators and I need to learn the act of content creation, the art of optimization of my SEO tools and also learn the tenets of copywriting. I need finance to help me learn these skills because there are some crucial information or secrets which you might not find on the web and even though it is available on this web, it would be a paid course. During the covid-19 pandemic, I had started learning Chinese language and I almost registered for physical classes but to the lockdown restriction, there was cancelation of the physical classes and online was the only alternative. Albeit, I did not feel comfortable with it because I am a novice and I would prefer one on one interaction in this case. The cost for just four weeks intensive training is over $250.
Personally, the factor that is stopping me from making money online is the time factor. I am not fully disposed to making money online and I am kind of active here and in the other forums right now because my school went on a strike and so I am left with nothing to do hang to face my online earning process squarely while adding value to myself so I could perfect my skill and start earning something tangible online. So if I am free always, I think I would make the most of it to earn the best I can but this is not always the case.
For some people, what is stopping them from earning money online is actually the fact that they don't believe that one can earn money online. They see everything and anything about the online method of earning as being scam and they will scam you sooner or later and you will regret it all. Sometimes I do tell people that there's a possibility to get more customers to your offline business online than the ones that comes to patronize you offline but they wouldn't believe me because they aren't exposed to understand what am saying. I was just like that sometime ago but thank God, here I am now earning money online.
Lack of quality time is breaching my ability to make money online. My academic engagements has literally taken all my time. I have the keen passion of dedicating my time online but apart from time, I find it difficult in assessing some sites using my mobile device and to get more opportunities, I need to purchase a laptop but the cost of even a mini laptop is very expensive. Non-availability of funds to keep my phone subscribed has been one of the major barriers. The cost of data subscription or credits is typically draining my expenses. Lack of skills is also a deterring factor. It's not as though I have no skills, but I am not professionally inclined. The online ecosystem is already competitive and one needs some level of in-depth skills to remain relevant. I still need to sharpen my skills in; writing, marketing and social media influencing. Writing is now a competitive field in freelancing and to get clients on sites like; Fiverr and Upwork, a potential needs a wide level of experience to keep up with the competition in the clime. When the funds are readily available, I would invest in my knowledge capacity because knowledge indeed is power!
There is no doubt about the efficacy and efficiency of making money online. In fact, more than 50% of the world population depend on online to make their money. Despite this, there are many people who are not making money online for one things or the other. The following are the common reason why people are not really making money online.

Illiteracy is the first factor as many people who are illiterate find it difficult to operate the mobile phones and even use their laptop. Even in some cases, when there they can use those gadgets effectively, they may not understand how to make money since they may not understand the terms and conditions the website they are visiting may lay down.

Ignorance is a disease so say the saying, this is aptly true as many people who have phones and other gadgets do not know how to use them to make money. Some don't even know money can be made though them. They only believe phones are used for making calls and chatting . Ehiel laptop is used for film watching and game. In fact, they see anyone that's glued to these devices as cyber criminal.

Lack of information is the other reason. Most people don't know much about how money can be made online. They don't have anybody to put them through and they don't have means on how to know about it. They may have YouTube at their disposal but not all every information can be found or know online until someone see physical mentors to put us through.
I have been working online for more than six years. Back then, I have already decided that I needed a laptop to work online as a writer so I invested in a laptop with basic features. Initially, I had to depend on prepaid internet load to work as a content writer for a freelance writing site. It was fine then because I only needed the internet for some research, for claiming projects, and for submitting my articles. However, when I had the opportunity to work for an AI training company, I needed a faster internet plan which I acquired as soon as I felt that the job was worth it. I used to be happy enough with my keypad cellphone but I needed to buy a smartphone because it was more efficient to work with a smartphone on certain projects. To be fair, I was able to earn it back with a single project that lasted for a week.

My point is that working online needs some form of investment, big or small. Your investment may have a huge impact on the amount of money you will earn from your online endeavors. Some people, especially newbies to online earning, may have doubts about the profitability of investing in equipment such as a laptop or a powerful smartphone with advanced camera features and thus never attempt at all to make money online.​
The main negative factors stopping me from earning better income online is:
  • Power outage and,
  • Lack of capital.
I got some business ideas, investment ideas, which I can create by my own hands, but due to low income hinders me from carrying my plans out. If I get an angel assistance in the future, such can enable me to venture into my dream business online, I don't have to work for websites that work to earn, the business profit will enable me to earn something reasonable enough I've written down all I needed to get going with the business, is just capital holding it back the little capital I made, was invested earlier in the business, it yielded profit, it is a gradual one, I believe in what the business can deliver when the assistance comes for me.
As for me there is nothing on earth that you stopping me from trying and making daily attempt to making sure I can make some money online. online businesses are the very good opportunities that have presented in this world especially at this time where we have got a large number of unemployment rate most especially when you consider the poor and developing countries that do not really have a stable economy and the politicians are only engaged in stealing their little money and then taken to develop countries instead of working on how best to empower the youth.

The coronavirus pandemic has done so much in helping a lot of people realise the potential that are available when it comes to being able to make good amount of money online and this is why we have to make sure we do not miss out in this opportunities that continually abound,especially when we want to just sit like this without being anything

As for me, I believe that this online earning opportunities are out there so that I and other people who are really interested and want to liberate themselves can take opportunities and utilise it without having to wait on anyone before getting some little support financially.
I would say the main reason I have not started making much money from the online space is time. making money online is something that have been interesting me for quite a while now and I have learnt so much things about how to make money on the internet ranging from affiliate marketing to cryptocurrency trading and a whole lot of others such as posting on paid to post platforms and a lot of them. The fact that I am a student and also trying to make money on the internet is one of the factors that makes me not to make much money. Another major factor that makes me not to make much money on the internet is lack of capital. I quite have decent amount of money to start some businesses online but I have not acquired the necessary gadgets required for me to venture into certain things like making YouTube videos and running a full website. This is why I am trying as much as possible to acquire these days very soon and start venturing into certain lucrative online businesses like blogging and affiliate marketing fully. Apart from those, I don't see much things stopping me because I am still trying as much as possible to make some good money online.
I can not agree less on the issue of power outage. As the power supply situation in my community is so bad. We hardly have stable power even in our community and all our effort to restore sanity back to the electricity problem has proven absorptive as even the electricity company is also complaining of spending soomuch on gasoline. And one annoying aspect is that even the petrol is now very expensive as this government has always looked out for ways to make the people feel pain and discomfort on almost all front. Initially they started by closing the borders without making any further provision to suffice for the items that could have been allowed to enter freely and for them to do their job of checking what is coming in and going out. And they know we lack the comparative advantage over some some certain item which they should have allowed to be imported. They also went on to place a ban on cryptocurrency this has made so many traders here to depend p2p that may not be as reliable as buy directly from ones account. Again they ban Twitter and partial lifted after a year. All these is really affecting me.

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