What College Should You Go To?


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Selecting the right college is challenging with so many factors to weigh from cost to programs to campus culture. It’s easy to get ensnared in a few key traps during the decision process. Be aware of these hazards:

Prestige Pitfalls

Getting hooked on brand-name status can drive poor financial decisions. Don’t take on crushing debt or forgo scholarship money just for fancy branding that won’t determine your future.

Uninformed Major Selection

Many undergrads change majors, unable to predict where their passions or career opportunities will lie years out. Don’t fixate on one narrow academic path when choosing a college unable to pivot.

Parental Pressures

If parents overly influence based on their preferences or what looks good socially, you may overlook the best personal fit for interests and learning style match.

While avoiding traps, remain focused on value, culture alignment, academic approach and post-graduation job marketability. Getting ensnared by glossy brochure hype won’t lead to the best outcome for your goals. With broader perspective and insights from those who know you best, determine a thoughtful college match beyond the traps.