UserTesting Site- Give video reviews and earn 5-10$ for each review


Verified member
UserTesting is a web testing stage that assists customers with getting criticism from clients across the globe for their sites, applications, games and so forth

UserTesting works like some other testing site out there. The organization needs normal web clients to become analyzers with the goal that they get authentic and genuine input from them. Such criticism incorporates issues the analyzers ran into while visiting the site, whatever wasn't clear, the UI was not adequately inviting or difficult to comprehend.

You need to realize the accompanying things to begin:
1. You need a receiver to become analyzer.
2. To test sites and get paid you need to download a screen recording programming

Point to be noted: At first, you should give an audit on the site after you join on the site and on the off chance that you are affirmed here, you are all set on the site.
This sounds very similar to the site I have just posted about although all you have to do is register and start right away once you start receiving tests on UserCrowd. I don't know how I would feel about doing a screen recording programme, that does put me off a little. It sounds more complicated than UserCrowd but I may think about registering in the future. One thing Usercrowd are strict about is good english so anyone who applies needs to have good spelling and grammar skills to attempt their tests. They do have a very good support system though who will help you with any problems.

@Lekhraj19 do you belong to Usertesting?
This sounds very similar to the site I have just posted about although all you have to do is register and start right away once you start receiving tests on UserCrowd. I don't know how I would feel about doing a screen recording programme, that does put me off a little. It sounds more complicated than UserCrowd but I may think about registering in the future. One thing Usercrowd are strict about is good english so anyone who applies needs to have good spelling and grammar skills to attempt their tests. They do have a very good support system though who will help you with any problems.

@Lekhraj19 do you belong to Usertesting?
Yeah, I tried once but they did not approve me. I will try again soon applying a different strategy.