Top 8 Benefits of Exercise Out While Addiction Recovery


Exercise is a great way to get your mind and body moving, but not all forms of exercise are created equal.

Exercise can be an effective tool for treatment of addiction. Here are eight benefits of exercise while you're in recovery.

1. It helps you build muscle mass and strength, which is important for recovery from addiction because it helps improve self-esteem and confidence levels (which tend to be low when people are addicted).

2. Exercise reduces stress levels and improves concentration, which both support sobriety during recovery because they help reduce anxiety and improve focus on tasks at hand as part of daily life responsibilities (like paying bills or taking care of children).

3. Exercising also allows us to experience more joy in our lives by helping us feel more connected with ourselves, other people around us, nature, etc., which is another benefit when recovering from addiction because happiness leads to optimism about the future

4. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to reduce the risk of developing a substance use disorder.

5. Exercise can help you avoid relapse if you have a substance use disorder, and it may also improve your overall health and mental well-being.

6. Exercise has been shown to improve mood, decrease anxiety and depression, increase self-esteem and confidence, and improve sleep patterns.

7. A regular exercise routine can also help prevent weight gain, which can lead to health complications like weight-related diabetes and heart disease.

8. Regular exercise helps boost serotonin levels in your brain, which helps reduce cravings for alcohol or drugs (especially if you're using them recreationally).