The secret to making it big in blogging.


Valued Contributor
Yesterday, I was speaking with a friend about opening a blog. He is already a blogger. He taught me something that I found very useful and very true. He showed me one secret that would make a person make it in the blogging thing. So many people are just opening blogs without knowing how to achieve success in blogging.

He told me that I should not go for any niche. I should stay in the niche that I am most comfortable creating content on. In so doing, I would never run out of content even in the next ten years.

Next thing is that you should not be in a haste to monetize your blog. Just create content and become an authority in the field. Focus on creating quality content to the point that people know you as an authority in your chosen field. That way, you would have amassed huge traffic and following. The ads would start coming in and your earnings would start to grow.
That is the truth about being successful in blogging. You shouldn't be a jack of all trades. Just one niche is enough for you to make a lot of money from blogging.

Choose a niche that you know very well and can write a lot about.

That is not enough to make it big by blogging. After choosing a profitable niche that interests you, the next thing is content, not just ordinary but problem solving content. It will keep your blog post readers coming back to your blog for more and as a result of this you stand a chance to make a huge amount of money because your blog post readers will trust you and see you as an expert in the niche.

Monetize your blog when it is the right time to do so. When is the right time? The right time to monetize your blog is when you have built good reputation for yourself- after your blog visitors or readers have trusted you. You can sell anything related to your blog to them.
The advice I'm getting is now contrary to this. My friend who runs more than two blogs successfully does not focus on passion, but on the money. According to people who do the same thing, a lot of niches are saturated and a few blogs have cinched and will not let go of their positions on the first, second and third pages of search engines. Competing with such will ensure you never rank well for years.

What they work on are low competition keywords, especially the long tail keywords that have good search volume

Some of them make decent money, about $100 per month from such blogs within a year, which is a nice target for me.
I do wonder though if one cam still work on what you are passionate about alongside that. I know how numbing it can be to write about something you don't really like, and doing that for a year would be really taxing.
I don't know how good is your blogger friend (in terms of generating traffic and revenue), however, based on my experience you need to use a niche that gets high traffic and high CPC rates. Let me explain what this actually means. You might be very well-versed on the entertainment niche and might be able to publish high quality articles on this niche, however, the entertainment niche has one of the lowest CPC rate. Finance and Business topics, on the other hand, get high CPC rate. So, the blog on this niche has better earning chances than the blog on the entertainment niche. If you blog for money, you need to publish content that have high chance of making money. If you do not have knowledge and skills related to the niche, you can easily build the knowledge and writing skills required for that niche. You might ve very good at poetry, but you cannot make money with poetry blogs. Think practically
I guess that's one major mistake many bloggers tend to make. The minute they go into blogging the very first thing they think about is how to instantly start making money. And when things do not go their way, they get fed up and give up. When it comes to blogging, blogging takes time, you need to grow your audience before you can even think about earning from blogging. Like you said, get comfortable in the field you have chosen, then grow your skills from there.