The role of a good mental health


VIP Contributor
Just like our good physical health that helps in the wellbeing of our bodies same also applies to our mental health. To function well both emotionally and socially we need to take care of our mental health.

You would need to be in perfect mental health to function at optimum in the different areas of your life. The other benefits you would derived from good mental health are:

You will always be in a better mood which brings vitality to the body.

Your self esteem will be raised. Being in this state will throw out aniexty and depression which comes with diseases to harm the body.

With good mental health you would be able to think clearly and make the best decisions which will gladden the heart and keep it secured.

What is your current mental health?
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There is nothing you can compare good health with. Without health, everything including wealth looks like mess. We can only do our daily activities very well if there is good health. In fact, we reason and think about tomorrow and most of plan just because we have good mental health.
There is nothing you can compare good health with. Without health, everything including wealth looks like mess. We can only do our daily activities very well if there is good health. In fact, we reason and think about tomorrow and most of plan just because we have good mental health.
Definitely nothing can be compared to the health we hsve. Any time I'm down that's when I really appreciate healthy living because sometimes it can very frustrating. Same with ones mental health it shouldn't be joked with because it can lead one to unrest and depression which is really harmful to the body.
There are some things that help people in a situation in which their mental health is Down such thing could be that they have to spend time with families and friends or sometimes they can spend the time and do something that interest them, keeping this as a regular activities in our life will always improve our mood and thereby improving our mental health, when our mental health is down together with over thinking it might lead to depression and maybe something serious.
A human being cannot completely be said to be healthy unless he maintains good mental health. This is what is going to indicate the kind of relationship that the person keeps with people around him. Relationship and belonging is a very important aspect of human life.
There are some things that help people in a situation in which their mental health is Down such thing could be that they have to spend time with families and friends or sometimes they can spend the time and do something that interest them, keeping this as a regular activities in our life will always improve our mood and thereby improving our mental health, when our mental health is down together with over thinking it might lead to depression and maybe something serious.
Exactly, it is always good to increase our mood to be able to perform better. Increasing the health when it comes to our mental is very important, especially when we have goals to attain , we need to be able to think straight which means our mental health must be in perfect condition or else we leave our lives in danger
A human being cannot completely be said to be healthy unless he maintains good mental health. This is what is going to indicate the kind of relationship that the person keeps with people around him. Relationship and belonging is a very important aspect of human life.
You are right, your mental health play a vital role in our wellbeing. A lot of things anchor here and without it then we might function appropriately. This is why we need to do all that it takes to be sure we work on our mental health which will help us improve productivity in all aspects of our lives
Exactly, it is always good to increase our mood to be able to perform better. Increasing the health when it comes to our mental is very important, especially when we have goals to attain , we need to be able to think straight which means our mental health must be in perfect condition or else we leave our lives in danger
Yes it is always good that we are in a perfect mood because this will help in our overall productivity, sometimes depression may set in but the best way to handle this is just to try as much as possible to settle whatever I could have been the problem ,but most people may not even see it this way but will rather go into taking of drugs and other dangerous substance into the body which can even cause more harm than good, what I'm trying to say is that we have to be guided in some of the things we do for the sake of being happy.